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Have you wondered what fluoride is and how it can help with preventing decay and/or remineralising your teeth?

Your dentist has probably advised you multiple times the importance of using fluoridated toothpaste and drinking fluoridated tap water. However, have you wondered what fluoride is and how it can help with preventing decay and/or remineralizing your teeth?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found throughout the earth’s crust.  It is naturally found in some foods and water supplies.  In the 1930s researchers found that people who grew up drinking naturally fluoridated water had up to two-thirds fewer cavities than people living in areas without fluoridated water. From then on, further studies and research have proved the same thing!

Fluoride concentrates on growing bones and developing teeth of children to help harden the enamel on baby and adult teeth before they erupt. Fluoride can also help to harden the enamel on permanent teeth throughout their life span.

For more information about fluoride check out:
